
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Starving North Korean soldiers

You probably have heard of the gravity of food shortages in North Korea, and that all the aid flows into the hands of military. Well this too is wrong my friends. I recently found out that even the men in the military who are supposed be well-fed to protect their people, are experiencing malnutrition, and food shortages are rampant among all troops. According to North Korean sources, North Korean soldiers are suffering from malnutrition, and military hospitals are filled with these patients. Even in dire situations regarding food shortages, North Korea has always put the military as their first priority, which prevented food shortages among soldiers. But now, the story is different. The nutritional condition has deteriorated to the extent that almost all soldiers are starving. If North Korea ever goes in war, I wonder how long these soldiers will last in combat. It'd be better for Kim Jong-un to fight the opponent than to send these malnutritioned soldiers.

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