
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

On the way back home from shopping at Tokyo Shin-Okubo, an angry mob of rightists were demonstrating holding the rising sun flag high up in the air. The large demonstration of rightists who are upset about the territorial dispute regarding Dokdo and the comfort women issue, consisted of more than 100 people, many of who waved the militaristic rising-sun flag. Things got nastier after the march ended, when the marchers broke off into smaller groups and confronted the shopkeepers with even more hostile remarks, such as 'Kill Korea,' 'Fuck Korea.' However, these acts are unscrupulous of the Japanese because I couldn't find any sign of repentance nor self-reflection. Their violent and agressive acts do nothing but degrade Japan's image. As long as Japan has no statute against hate crimes, this kind of ethnic and racial discrimination will remain out of control. Half a century has passed since the end of the last world war, but the issue of territorial disputes is being used as a new pretext to abet what are long-term trends. 

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