
Thursday, November 15, 2012

It is surprising to see Seoul host its own Defense Dialogue. Korea went through a civil war in 1945, and still remain a separated nation. Senior defense officials and security advisors from home and abroad gathered in Seoul for a regional security forum aimed at discussing ways to curb weapons of mass destruction and handle North Korea's nuclear threat. The Seoul Defense Dialogue brought vice minister-level and other senior defense officials from 15 Asia-Pacific countries, the European Union and two international organizations. The first annual Seoul Defense Dialogue, kicked off on the 14th. Around 100 officials from 15 countries and civilian security experts will discuss common regional security challenges halting the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, countermeasures against cyber threats and detering North Korea's military threats. Although there are various multilateral defense dialogues in the region, the Seoul Defense Dialogue is the first for vice-ministerial level officials. From SDD, I hope to see Asia-Pacific countries must cooperate to maintain peace and stability in the region.

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